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Oklahoma negligence laws and motorcycle accidents

The laws of physics make motorcycle riders in Oklahoma and across the country particularly vulnerable to the negligent behavior of other road users. While traveling on two wheels may be exhilarating and provide riders with a sense of adventure, motorcycles offer very little protection in a crash. Accident statistics reveal that motorcycle riders are 26 times more likely to be killed on the nation\’s roads than passenger vehicle occupants, and they are also suffer five times as many injuries per mile traveled.

About two-thirds of the traffic accidents involving motorcyclists are caused by car, truck or SUV driver errors such as making an abrupt left turn or an unexpected lane change. While fatality rates overall have fallen steadily in recent decades, the number of motorcyclists killed has more than doubled since 1999. Motorcyclists can improve their chances of reaching their destinations unharmed by wearing a helmet and other protective gear whenever they ride, obeying speed limits and all other traffic laws and remaining vigilant at all times.

Due to their size, drivers often find it difficult to judge how far away motorcycles are and how fast they are traveling even when they see them, and a large number of motorcycle accidents take place at busy intersections where this kind of information is crucial. Debris and other road hazards that would not bother passenger vehicles can be extremely hazardous to motorcyclists, and even a glancing touch at high speed can cause the front wheel of a motorcycle to wobble dangerously.

While most motorcycle accidents may be caused by negligent passenger vehicle drivers, riders often bear some of the responsibility. Oklahoma law allows motorcyclists to recover damages after an accident even if they were partly to blame, but how responsibility is allocated is extremely important. Personal injury attorneys may study accident reports and the statements made by witnesses carefully to make sure that the majority of the blame can be placed on the other driver or drivers involved, and they may conduct additional investigations when official records do not make this clear.