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Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries

Brain And Spinal Cord Injuries

An auto collision can leave a person battered and bloody, but sometimes the worst injuries are not outwardly visible. A brain injury or spinal injury may even be overlooked at first as cuts and fractures are attended to.

The personal injury lawyers of Glass & Tabor, excel in catastrophic cases of permanent and life-changing injuries. We spend a great deal of time with clients to document the medical aspects of the case, the everyday hardships, and the altered future and special needs.

We have specific experience with brain injuries and spinal cord injuries incurred in car accidentstruck accidents and motorcycle accidents. Our law firm in Norman takes cases in the Oklahoma City area and throughout the state.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

The symptoms of brain injury are different for each individual. The person may look outwardly normal and even function normally in many respects. But the cumulative effect may be that the person is disabled from employment and struggling with the physical, emotional and psychological effects.

We document the medical effects: cognitive problems, inability to concentrate, memory loss, motor impairment problems with speech, problems with balance, headaches, dizziness, fogginess, personality change, outbursts. We also work with victims, families and physicians to illustrate how this impacts daily activities and quality of life.

Spinal Cord Injury And Paralysis

We understand the profound impact on life when a person is paralyzed in an accident. Our attorneys have represented victims of high cervical injuries resulting in quadriplegia. Those clients may need breathing assistance or round-the-clock care. We have handled spinal cord injuries resulting in paraplegia or partial paralysis. Those clients in many ways need more extensive support to adapt and become as self-sufficient as possible.

Comprehensive Compensation

We pursue compensation for nursing care and medical equipment, physical therapy and occupational therapy, psychological counseling, vocational retraining and modifications to their homes and vehicles, among other needs. The lawsuit will also seek damages for lost earning capacity over a lifetime and compensation for noneconomic harm such as loss of consortium and pain and suffering.

The greater the value of the case, the more pushback from the defense and the insurance companies. Our trial lawyers prepare every case as if we will be presenting to a jury. We have obtained notable verdicts and settlements by demanding full compensation and following through.

Glass & Tabor extends a free consultation, including home and hospital visits. Call 405-360-9700 or contact us online.